K through 12 math classrooms that support literacy development are those in which students and teachers demonstrate understanding of the learning and thinking process. Teachers can model metacognition skills and evaluate how students think through think-alouds, problem-solving, role-playing and hands-on exercises that teach students how to articulate their process verbally and in writing. The Common Core process shifts will be examined closely in this e-course to help participants fully understand the new K-12 applications behind them. Participants will finish the course with a repertoire of strategies with which to move forward in teaching students how to articulate the process that brought them to their end product.

Course Outcomes:

  • Defend how the new K-12 Common Core shifts in math as they work into new teaching applications.
  • Restate and illustrate through planning and implementation the steps and strategies involved in teaching students how to articulate mathematical processes.
  • Learn and practice with grouping scenarios that lend themselves to real life skills applications and mathematical solutions.
  • Enhance mathematical understanding of process and product in how students think about math through the close examination of the models used to effectively problem solve.

This course is 20 hours