Competency 1

This course aligns with the Florida ESOL Competencies for: Methods of Teaching ESOL: Category 1

The core principles of instruction include differentiation through applied strategy, design, re-design, and flexible teaching that uses student data: content, process, and product. Participants in this e-course will reinvent lessons using research-based, effective methods for differentiation geared specifically for ELLs. They'll have opportunities to re-purpose lesson plans, understand readiness versus ability, and capitalize on brain plasticity to engage students through intellect and creativity. Learning profiles, interest surveys, cognitive-friendly learning environments, tiered questioning and student "hooks" for rigorous learning application are some of the takeaways to this e-course.  In addition, this course will take participants into deep realms of content area literacy methods and strategies to include text analysis in literary, non-fiction and technical text, reading comprehension, critical literacy, questioning strategies, and leveling of resources to differentiate for standards and second language learners’ needs. Participants will learn about, become familiar and practice with the resources that determine text complexity and level libraries. Participants will learn to use running records and anecdotal data to analyze, evaluate, and plan for student needs. With a focus on expository writing geared for ELLs, participants will cull the CCSS writing and language standards for applicability to content-specific reading and writing in ELL instruction.

Course Outcomes:

  • Create differentiated lessons through design and strategy focused on the language needs of ELLs.
  • Design strategy for mixed-ability grouping and classroom environment.
  • Use online and print tools for differentiation such as learning profiles, interest surveys and tiered questioning.
  • Locate, develop and use the tools needed to effectively differentiate instruction for ELLs within the Literature Circle framework.
  • Use the tools to successfully conduct literature circles that differentiate for ELLs.
  • Use tools that determine text complexity.
  • Become familiar and develop utility with resources that support content area reading and writing specific to ELLs.
  • Understand genre and CCSS expectations as they apply to reading and writing specific to ELLs.
  • Use new strategies to plan, differentiate, and scaffold reading and writing tasks for ELLs.
  • Understand and plan with new strategies for teaching ELLs while facilitating grade-level CCSS language standards in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
  • Understand and develop working knowledge of how to assess students using formative and summative assessments while using assessment data to close achievement gaps among ELLs.
  • Understand the history and pedagogy of L2 teaching methods.
  • Develop, through intentional design, best practices for second language learners in literacy development, grounded in sound research.
  • Understand the laws and policies that govern ESL students to include models of sound ELL instruction.
  • Design instruction geared to developing the reading, writing, listening, and speaking (oral language) abilities of ELL students at varying levels of proficiency.
  • Research, practice with, and design curriculum and instruction that focuses on a variety of activities from sentence formation to expository writing and collaboration.
  • Embed appropriate reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities into instruction, curriculum, and assessment.
  • Embed appropriate and culturally responsive materials that are age-appropriate, non-bias, and linguistically accessible for a range of Ell proficiencies and cultural backgrounds.
  • Become familiar with various technology resources with which to continue design of differentiated language and content area instruction at varying levels of ELL proficiency.

This course is 60 hours