Research, careful thought and planning are some of the ingredients to effective classroom management practices with efficacy in inclusive classrooms. Participants in this course will learn how to create balanced classrooms with sound learning environments for inclusive settings. Examples of various settings will include co-teaching, peer coaching and collaboration, and the use of appropriate high school and secondary behavioral supports for struggling learners, exceptional students and students with disabilities. Various structuring of lessons in secondary classroom environments that lead to useful learning in optimal learning environments will be learned, planned for and practiced with.

Course Outcomes:

  • Understand what and how to vet research-based strategies for classroom management practices in inclusive classroom settings.
  • Understand and develop working knowledge of what differentiated classrooms look like, and plan similarly using various teaching methods and models.
  • Align management strategy with content goals based on industry best practices for inclusive 9-12 settings.

This course is 20 hours