Managing behavior balances with understanding our learners and their learning styles. Differentiating for, various student instructional needs is key to harnessing learning style and other data. While much of it is about student engagement, it is also about knowing them, and how they learn, enough to engage them in learning more. Whether they learn kinesthetically (using physical, hands-on), or inter-personally (social) for example, gives us the opportunity to craft activities and performance tasks geared to garnering better behavior that then allows us to help them academically.  Participants in this course will learn how to use learning style information to develop effective behavior management strategies.

Course Objectives

  • Participants will learn and apply several learning style theories to determine learning styles.
  • Participants will be introduced to various behavior management theories as they align with multiple learning styles.
  • Participants will align behavioral theory to identified learning styles in order to successfully manage behavior and instruct students.
  • Participants will learn and apply, through planning and job-embedded action, specific and measurable behavioral management goals and strategies as they align with identified learning styles.

This course is 60 hours