Research-based practices are those that have been legitimized by virtue of having been field-tested.  Using sound and approaches that help us understand the learning styles of our students in order to better meet their needs in our classrooms, participants will learn to scaffold strategy with increased intensity using best classroom practices. Engaging our students is the beginning to opening up the gateway to learning. Participants will learn and practice with learning style theories, engaging 21st century approaches, and crafting activities around performance tasks that tap into students’ interests.  From maximizing structure, to development of predictable routines, learning in natural contexts, observing students and using anecdotal data to inform instruction with, participants will learn how to find, use, and fully develop research-based practices in order to effectively engage positive classroom behaviors that lead to high student engagement and academic achievement.

Course Objectives:

  • Apply age and grade-appropriate research-based strategy to evaluate students and use this data to plan and/or modify instruction with.
  • Analyze and play with various age and grade-appropriate behavior management theories as they align the needs of exceptional learners.
  • Align behavioral theory with learning theory to craft effective lessons that engage positive student behavior. 
  • Learn and apply, through planning and job-embedded action, specific and measurable behavioral management goals and strategies as they align with identified student learning objectives.