This practical course offers a variety of strategies, methods, resources, and field-tested implementation tools with which to evaluate teachers effectively. Based on the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model, and the Danielson domains of the framework for teaching, this course is an outgrowth of a strong body of research correlated to student achievement. Participants will be introduced to, and practice with, a 5-point Likert scale used to measure and evaluation teacher effectiveness across the components within the four domains of the Danielson framework. Strategies and approaches within the Marzano framework will be analyzed for what they offer in individualized solutions for moving up teacher effectiveness that works into higher student achievement. Job-embedded practice will inform a lively set of discussion types, along with reflection that aids in ease of implementation for immediate district-wide application.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand how to identify and apply effective classroom behaviors among teachers and students to analyze for strengths and gaps.
  • Identify specific teacher strengths and gaps in order to help develop and support job-embedded growth plans.
  • Apply a 5-point Likert scale to measure and evaluate teacher effectiveness across several Danielson and Marzano framework domains.

This course is 20 hours