This course will take administrators through the process of identifying LEP students, working with their family and the wider school district community in the provision of resources available to them.  Topics will begin with a focus on the knowledge and impact of the history behind ESOL programs, legislation that impacts educational programs, and how to meet mandates to ensure all school personnel are in compliance. Participants will understand the state and federal programs behind ESOL education, identification of LEP students, responsibilities for meeting LEP educational needs, assessment requirements, and the interaction among language proficiencies and content-based academic knowledge.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of programs and mandates that govern the teaching and assessment of ELL students.
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of how to support parents and the wider school community in resources that support ESOL programs, along with knowledge and strategies for working with ELL students.
  • Develop working knowledge of digital and technical resources that support ESOL programs, and ELL student academic achievement in all content areas.
  • Understand and demonstrate sensitivity to the cultural background and needs of ELL students and their families.
  • Understand how to support ESOL participation in gifted programs, academic intervention programs.
  • Understand how to identify special education needs in ELL students, and learn the referral process when indicators are recognized.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the school site administrator’s role and responsibilities as the instructional leader representative in the school-based ELL Committee.
  • Understand procedures for participation on LEP committees, procedures for identification of student language needs, and follow-up program interventions both during and after program participation.
  • Analyze and use data to further ESOL professional development, student intervention, and for programmatic decision-making.

This course is 22 hours