Competency 3

Category I

Learning environments conducive to ELL growth is best achieved when the right standards-based materials are selected, resourced, and designed. Participants in this e-course will become knowledgeable about accessing research-based resources, while selecting and adapting standards-based curriculum, materials, and digital resources. Effective reading comprehension combined with teacher modeling, guided practice, independent application, chunking and other approaches will be used across grade and content areas as they apply. Under this umbrella, participants will learn to teach reading, writing, listening, and speaking geared specifically for the needs of ELLs, through effective and differentiated strategy that builds student capacity. Visual representation, vocabulary, questioning, note-taking, close reading and summarizing are some of the approaches that participants will use to develop units and lessons with. Field-tested, research-based and as appropriate evidence-based strategies with accompanying print and digital tools for implementation will taught to scaffold and differentiate with. Participants will be introduced to sound and scientific research as it promotes literacy across all content areas to help ELL students build foundational skills across reading, writing, speaking and listening. They’ll learn and work with the scaffolds behind them that aid students in the important transition process across all content areas. Intentional, consistent, and rigorous teaching of reading and writing strategy that improves student achievement will engage the 90/90/90 principled approach. Participants completing this course will take away field-tested implementation tools that include: graphic organizers, semantic maps, thinking aids, checklists, rubrics and more.

Course Outcomes:

  • Acquire the skills needed to effectively teach reading comprehension in primary grades for ELLs.
  • Apply new strategy that builds student capacity through teacher modeling, guided practice.
  • Use balanced literacy components and leverage them for ELLs.
  • Use reading, writing, listening and speaking strategies to effectively scaffold ELL language learning.
  • Develop the skill and ability to leverage online and off-site resources to teach using balanced literacy strategies and techniques.
  • Become familiar with, and further develop, intervention strategies focused on effective reading interventions (and writing as they support reading comprehension) for struggling ELLs.
  • Design, differentiate and scaffold materials and curriculum for ELL struggling readers.
  • Move scientific theory into classroom literacy strategy across specific content areas for ELL students.
  • Design, differentiate and scaffold ELL curriculum focused specifically on, and informed by, student progress along a rigorous strategy continuum.
  • Import research-based literacy strategy into lessons for rigorous application and implementation for their ELL students.
  • Glean and apply new strategies for rigor in reading and writing across all subject areas for ELLs.
  • Use new strategies for motivating successful reading and writing effort.
  • Plan and become familiar with multiple online and print resources that lead to reading and writing success.
  • Plan and prepare rigorous units and lessons using newly acquired research-based strategies and methods.
  • Create student-friendly classroom environments that are language and culturally sensitive, with language sensitive instruction.
  • Embed formative assessment that scaffolds for individuals and small groups in response to focused learning targets
  • Select and adapt L1 and L2 resources specifically for ELL development.

This course is 60 hours