Selecting and administering appropriate assessments using data from multiple sources includes the triangulation of multiple data to include reading inventories, running records, writing samples, and performance tasks among others, to inform their planning of reading instruction to meet the needs of all students. Through high quality and differentiated research-based instructional approaches, participants learn to scaffold learning strategy carefully with increased intensity to meet students at their identified level of performance and rate of progress.

Course Outcomes:

  • Understand the purposes of multiple informal assessment types to include reading inventories, informal assessments, benchmark assessments, and analyzing writing samples.
  • Understand and apply various measurement concepts to the characteristics of reading assessments to include test reliability, validity, standard of error of measurement, and derived scores from standardized tests.
  • Apply ongoing progress monitoring effectively in order to deliver effective and timely interventions.
  • Use assessment data to plan and implement appropriate instructional strategy for early reading development.