From alphabetic principle, to morphosyllabic systems of the English language as symbol represents whole word, participants will understand the systematic approach needed to teach sounds, blends, phonemes, and the points at which meaning is realized. Children must learn connections between about 44 phoneme sounds of spoken English, and 26 alphabetic letters, and development of a sound early literacy base is key because strong accurate and rapid word reading skills leads to comprehension. Participants will be introduced to methods and curriculum that support strong early reading, along with the critical environmental, cognitive, and instructional conditions that foster it.

Course Outcomes:

  • Nurture reading and cognition as it flows into phonemic awareness, and it develops strong reading skills.
  • Embed sound early reading strategies into lessons and existing curriculum.
  • Practice using familiar stories to teach letter-sound associations, word parts, and context for identifying new words.
  • Practice using familiar stories to teach reading fluency.
  • Examine the strategies of rereading, predicting, questioning, and contextualizing for comprehension reinforcement.