Through the work of promoting family literacy, participants will understand how to prepare readers to read while building fluency and understanding.  What happens outside of the classroom through family literacy has everything to do with it. The research continues to support that children from homes where literacy is supported have better academic outcomes, particularly in literacy, than those who do not come from literature-rich environments. Simple and fun approaches such as picture books, songs, poetry, social talk, and storytelling can go a long way in promoting a literature-rich environment that nurtures reading in the home.

Course Outcomes:

  • Promote literacy in the home through the use of books, writing, storytelling, note-taking, and trips to the library.
  • Plan homework that embeds home literacy strategies to invoke the participation of parents.
  • Plan and conduct workshops that encourage parental participation in classroom and home literacy effort.
  • Practice with parent communication through direct dialogue, electronic and print correspondence to nurture and support home literacy efforts.