Literacy can be reinforced every day, in the classroom or outside of it. Knowing how, when, and what opportunities to seize upon will be pivotal to new knowledge gained.  Audio, video and multi-media, using computers for any learning, writing notes, and even responding to teacher questions on any subject are among the practices.  Other practices may include sorting laundry, watching television, playing computer games, recounting a day’s events, hearing parents read aloud, and reading independently in a designated spot consistently. Through name games, use of everyday words, field trips, rhyming games, social talk and more, this course will evaluate a range of resources with which to reinforce literacy, along with specific strategies for broad application. It will also include working with parents to reinforce important literacy skills at home as they reinforce what was learned in the classroom. 

Course Outcomes:

  • Analyze various research-based approaches with broad application for reinforcing daily literacy.
  • Evaluate resources and select those best suited for specific classroom applications.
  • Demonstrate through creative planning the ability to emphasize to parents how to reinforce literacy in the home.
  • Design lesson plans that incorporate every day literacy strategies throughout all subject areas and school day instances for wide application.