10 hours

Despite that we have them in our care for the majority of the week and of a day, parental involvement is crucial to student classroom success. After establishing outcomes for work with students and their parents, participants will explore a number of examples of how high parental involvement is cultivated. Other ideas will be brainstormed as a group, with peers, and individually as they intersect with needs for, and degrees of, parental involvement. Once participants have garnered and leveraged a wealth of information, they will select appropriate action steps and outline them into a working plan to begin immediately engaging parents in the education of their child.

Course Outcomes:

  • Examine multiple models of successful parental involvement in K-12 settings.
  • Leverage examples with individual needs to design plans.
  • Brainstorm with peers, in groups, and as a whole learning community.
  • Give and receive feedback to work ideas into a final working document.

This course is 20 hours