In-service can take many forms, but there is one necessary ingredient that cannot be waivered from: Transfer. Teachers need to transfer new learning to the classrooms, and the sooner it is the more likely it will be followed through upon. Whether it is live, online, through peer networking, conferences, or through blended learning, the key is to design in-service that has a high likelihood of transfer to the classroom. Participants in this course will be introduced to a number of in-service activities to include online, peer networking, peer exchanges, conferencing, presenting, and much more. All will leave with an individual repertoire of activities to return to their districts with.

Course Outcomes:

  • Become familiar with a range of in-service types and formats.
  • Vet resources and approaches to leverage them with individual needs and budgetary needs for in-service
  • Brainstorm and strategize ideas.
  • Take away a plan for in-service for immediate turnkey to the school district.

This course is 20 hours