10 hours

This Marzano and Guskey-designed course will take participants through a range of design options for technology-based professional development. A number of strategies and application models for evaluating them will be proposed, from which participants will select as they apply to individual district needs. Technologies will include blended learning, Internet-based, application-based (for tablets and pads), Smartboards, open source, and third-party resources from which to design and draw upon for turnkey pedagogical practices. Participants will modify strategies as needed to be most effective for their staff. After reviewing a range of levels of PD implementation, participants will apply rubric criteria to evaluate, and then propose changes to revise or modify accordingly.

Course Outcomes:

  • Vet a range of instructional design models.
  • Familiarize with a range of instructional design evaluation models to include Guskey and Marzano.
  • Select design and modify for specific district in-service needs.