10 hours

In the in-service world, it is all about implementation. You can put the best curriculum in the hands of any teacher, and the success behind it is all about implementation and transfer. Participants will look at several models of in-service application, and what makes the difference in immediate classroom transfer, or “sitting on the shelf” for the year. Live, online, peer networking, conferences, and through blended learning will demonstrate the keys to immediate transfer, and how by design theory moves to high likelihood of application.  All participants will leave with an individual repertoire of in-service implementation design approaches to return to their districts with.

Course Outcomes:

  • Become familiar with a range of in-service types and designs that lead to immediate classroom transfer.
  • Vet resources and approaches to leverage them with individual needs and budgetary needs for in-service.
  • Brainstorm and strategize ideas.
  • Take away a plan for in-service implementation to turnkey to the school district.