Participants will focus on module adaptation as it supports the diverse needs of struggling learners, ELLs, and students with disabilities. The specific module entry points will serve as catalyst to discussion and application for implementation in differentiated settings. By identifying learning gaps and bridging them with strategy, participants will understand how to use the module curriculum to effectively meet the needs of all learners while maintaining alignment to the CCSS. Participants will become familiar, and practice with, strategy to include guided reading, accountable independent reading, formative assessment and on-going progress monitoring to adapt and support the diverse needs of struggling learners.

Course Objectives:

  • Scaffold instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners through the NYS ELA modules.
  • Adapt modules to support the needs of struggling learners, ELLs, and students with disabilities.
  • Analyze, identify, and use specific module entry points to implement in differentiated learning environments.

Participants will focus on FSS implementation as it supports the diverse needs of English language learners, special needs students, and students with disabilities. The specific FSS-aligned curriculum entry points will serve as catalyst to discussion and application for implementation in differentiated settings. By identifying learning gaps and bridging them with strategy, participants will understand how to use the curriculum to effectively meet the needs of all learners while maintaining alignment to the FSS. Participants will become familiar, and practice with, strategy to include guided reading, accountable independent reading, formative assessment and on-going progress monitoring to adapt and support the diverse needs of struggling learners.

Course Objectives:

  • Scaffold instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners through the NYS ELA modules.
  • Adapt modules to support the needs of struggling learners, ELLs, and students with disabilities.
  • Identify and use specific module entry points to implement in differentiated learning environments.

Participants will focus on implementation as it supports the diverse needs of struggling learners, ELLs, and students with disabilities. The specific curriculum entry points will serve as catalyst to discussion and application for implementation in differentiated settings. By identifying learning gaps and bridging them with strategy, participants will understand how to use the curriculum to effectively meet the needs of all learners while maintaining standards alignments. Participants will become familiar, and practice with, strategy to include guided reading, accountable independent reading, formative assessment and on-going progress monitoring to adapt and support the diverse needs of struggling learners.

Course Outcomes:

  • Scaffold instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners through an aligned curriculum.
  • Align and adapt curriculum to support the needs of struggling learners, ELLs, and students with disabilities.
  • Identify and use specific module entry points to implement in differentiated learning environments.

Literature circles, flexible grouping - a combination that works perfectly into a differentiated literacy curriculum. With a proven record of success, literature circles continue to meet the needs of all learners. Participants in this e-course will learn the strategies that make literature circles successful, and how to effectively differentiate them in small groups and learning centers. Tools for implementation and informal assessment include checklists, role rubrics and a host of multisensory differentiation ideas.
Course objectives:

  • Locate, develop and use the tools needed to effectively differentiate instruction within literature circles
  • Use tools and resources to effectively plan for and facilitate literature circles that differentiate.

Research continues to show that providing students with multiple entry-points to learning improves performance. Tools and resources used to measure learning styles and learning preferences will be included in this rich and informative e-course focused on identifying and cultivating multiple intelligences in order to effectively plan for, and teach to our speakers of other languages.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Acquire new tools to cultivate student intelligences with while teaching to the multiple learning styles of ENL students.
  • Differentiate for multiple learning styles per best practices for ENL students.
  • Apply strategies specific to ENL students for teaching to multiple intelligences.

Research continues to show that providing students with multiple entry-points to learning improves performance. Tools and resources used to measure learning styles and learning preferences will be included in this rich and informative e-course focused on identifying and cultivating multiple intelligences in order to effectively plan for, and teach to our speakers of other languages.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Acquire new tools to cultivate student intelligences with while teaching to the multiple learning styles of ENL students.
  • Differentiate for multiple learning styles per best practices for ENL students.
  • Apply strategies specific to ENL students for teaching to multiple intelligences.