Blended learning is a new model in education that continues to show strong potential for increased student engagement that leads to higher outcomes. It has much to offer in 21st century classrooms, but it is far more than just a trend. Blended learning is about systemic change through its ability to engage students, facilitate  differentiation, build research skills, and prepare students for 21st century lifelong learning with real world applications. Participants will be introduced to the research that confirms what the components are of effective blended learning. By viewing first-hand what other blended models look like in high performing schools, they’ll develop the skills needed to design their own blended learning. With full lesson development and implementation practice, participants will leave this course with the skills to transform their own K-12 classrooms.

Course Objectives:

  • Transition from traditional learning to blended learning while acquiring knowledge of resources to support and sustain it as a viable teaching model in their classrooms.
  • Effectively support students in their transition from traditional learning to blended learning.
  • Gain new tools and strategies for effectively creating blended learning. Integrate blended learning into existing lessons.
  • Practice teaching in blended learning environments through implementation and reflection.
  • Use blended learning data to inform the planning of effective instructional practices while meeting the specific needs of students.

Participants will explore the hybrid world of digital technologies and what it has to offer in learning tools and curriculum design. Aspects of study will include communication, research, development, and social educational networking in furtherance of teacher-student abilities to harness critical information in multiple and user-friendly formats. Participants will be introduced to, and practice with, the 21st century tools and resources that lead to effective curriculum design and hybrid instructional approaches that further CCSS 21st century digital literacies.

Course objectives:

  • Develop working familiarity with free electronic resources and other solutions such as social media, online lesson content and interactive organizers to plan a hybrid literacy curriculum with.
  • Develop lesson plans that integrate digital technologies with traditional classroom instruction for a differentiated and engaging, content-specific curriculum.

Participants will explore the hybrid world of digital technologies and what it has to offer in learning tools and curriculum design. Aspects of study will include communication, research, development, and social educational networking in furtherance of teacher-student abilities to harness critical information in multiple and user-friendly formats. Participants will be introduced to, and practice with, the 21st century tools and resources that lead to effective curriculum design and hybrid instructional approaches that further CCSS 21st century digital literacies.

Course objectives:

  • Develop working familiarity with free electronic resources and other solutions such as social media, online lesson content and interactive organizers to plan a hybrid literacy curriculum with.
  • Develop lesson plans that integrate digital technologies with traditional classroom instruction for a differentiated and engaging, content-specific curriculum.

Participants will explore the hybrid world of digital technologies and what it has to offer in learning tools and curriculum design. Aspects of study will include communication, research, development, and social educational networking in furtherance of teacher-student abilities to harness critical information in multiple and user-friendly formats. Participants will be introduced to, and practice with, the 21st century tools and resources that lead to effective curriculum design and hybrid instructional approaches that further CCSS 21st century digital literacies.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop working familiarity with free electronic resources and other solutions such as social media, online lesson content and interactive organizers to plan a hybrid literacy curriculum with.
  • Create and discuss lesson plans that integrate digital technologies with traditional classroom instruction for a differentiated and engaging, content-specific curriculum.

This course is 20 hours

Flipping a classroom takes commitment and time because is an inverted method of transforming a traditional classroom to one of responsiveness with a focus on delivery of instruction through active, student-centered learning, problem-based learning, group work, collaboration, and peer instruction. Participants will learn and practice with delivering flipped learning through digital technologies. They will view examples of flipped classrooms, vet lesson plans, transform and modify their own lessons to design new material that responds to several successful effective models of flipping classrooms.

Course Objectives:

  • Determine where flipping is needed in, and where it makes the most sense for, their own classrooms in order to design effective flipped classroom plans through blended learning.
  • Research and access resources for classroom activities that focus on skill, strategy, and concept application to embed in larger lesson plans.
  • Understand, and develop facility with, components of flipped classrooms that are most engaging for students in order to identify the content to plan engaging student activities with.