10 hours

After learning the blended learning basics, participants in this course will escalate their skills by creating effective blended learning professional development, and for creation of K-12 curriculum using responsive flipped classroom design. All incorporated practices will be research-based with a high efficacy in moving new learning to K-12 classrooms for both teachers and students. Participants will use newly or formerly created generic content to leverage with multi-modal technologies, social networking, Internet research consistent with responsible digital citizenship, and become familiar with a number of open source applications from which to choose from.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop mastery with open source technologies as they leverage with blended learning design.
  • Develop confidence and competence in effective blended learning that responds to the needs of students.
  • Design highly contextualized effective blended learning using multi-modal, open source technologies.
  • Design instruction that incorporates best practices in blended learning that responds fully to learner needs and stated student outcomes.

10 hours

Let’s face it: it’s a Moodle world! This workshop will take participants through the nuances and inner workings of Moodle with a keen eye for instructional design. Included will be tips and tricks for effectively working in visuals, graphics, multi-media, and use of the newest Moodle features to include books, completion tracking, and reports among others. The use of Wikis and blogs will be used to facilitate discussion in both self-paced and instructor-led environments. A little bit of Moodle for everyone!  Participants will practice in a sandbox environment, and come out with design skills that can transition immediately to practice in their own Moodle environments.

  • Develop a keen eye for effective facets of instructional design.
  • Import effective facets of instructional design into original products.
  • Contribute to a compendium of best practices in blended learning using Moodle tools and Moodle-friendly applications.

10 hours

Blogging continues to be an effective and viable e-learning tool for teaching in K-12 classrooms. From incorporation of the writing process, to copyright, to becoming a responsible digital citizen. As a collaboration tool, teachers can also incorporate blogging to bring together lively and effective peer exchange with ample opportunity for writing practice.  Participants will learn the best and most effective practices for blogging as they develop familiarity and utility with a range of blogging practices and technologies.

Course Outcomes:

  • Become familiar with a number and range of open source blogging technologies.
  • Incorporate best practices using open source blogging technologies.
  • Design standards-friendly lessons and blended learning that incorporates blogging technologies, specific to stated student outcomes.

10 hours

Participants in this course will explore the Edmodo application in support of effective, highly contextualized blended learning practices for K-12 classrooms as well as for teacher professional learning. Afterward, participants will design a template and with peer and instructor support, will continue to design a blended learning platform fully capable of supporting social networking and other third party, open-source technologies.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop a template and platform for immediate classroom implementation of blended learning using Edmodo.
  • Design student-friendly instruction in a blended learning environment with Edmodo as it integrates with other third party technologies.
  • Incorporate highly contextualized networking capabilities to include live and asynchronous discussion forums, blogging, chatting, flipped technologies and other multi-media as they work into blended learning design while supporting all student outcomes. 

10 hours

Word Press and Moodle continue to be touted as among the best open source technologies for integrated, effective blended learning and web support. Participants in this course will explore these applications support effective and contextualized blended learning practices before designing their own template for further use in their own classrooms for both professional learning and for K-12 curriculum.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop a template and platform for immediate classroom implementation of blended learning using Word Press and Moodle applications.
  • Design student-friendly instruction in a blended learning environment using Word Press and Moodle technologies.
  • Incorporate highly contextualized networking capabilities to include live and asynchronous discussion forums, blogging, chatting, flipped technologies and other multi-media as they work into blended learning design while supporting all student outcomes. 

10 hours

Participants in this course will learn the basics for creating effective blended learning professional development, and for creation of K-12 curriculum. All blended learning practices are based on research with a high efficacy in moving new learning to K-12 classrooms for both teachers and students. Participants will develop generic content as well as develop utility with multi-modal technologies, social networking, other third-party content access, and become familiar with open source applications best capable of meeting the needs of their students.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop familiarity and utility with open source technologies.
  • Design highly contextualized effective blended learning using multi-modal technologies.
  • Design instruction that incorporates best practices in blended learning.