The social-emotional learning that leads to academic success has strong links to character development. This e-course will analyze the research, theory and strategy behind effective classroom management as it feeds high student engagement and a motivated classroom.

Course objectives:

  • Participants will develop working knowledge of research-based theory and strategy for effective classroom management and high student engagement.
  • Participants will develop lesson plans that embed cognitively and developmentally appropriate strategy that nurtures social and emotional learning.

While many students will develop their own methods to read complicated text, answer high-level questions and respond with written products, many do not. We now know there are numerous strategies to teach close reading with, all of them working in numerous ways to parcel through multiple layers of text complexity. From chunking to note-taking with purpose, participants will gain a repertoire of strategies with which to teach close reading.

Course Objectives:

  • Participants will understand what it means to “close read” with strategy.
  • Participants will gain insight into the close reading requirements of the National Common Core Standards.
  • Participants will gain new strategies for teaching close reading to students.

Instructional decision-making hinges on variables that can change by the minute, the hour, and the student. The many forms that data take can inform rich instruction. It’s all about driving the right data to the right instructional strategy.


  • Glean and use valuable information about student performance from data.
  • Analyze multiple data sets to inform instructional strategy with to include curriculum surveys, inventories, standardized tests, benchmarks, anecdotal data. 
  • Use data to plan instruction with.

Strong knowledge of content and pedagogy requires on-going research, reflection and classroom practices informed by what the data says about our students. This course offers working knowledge of current and best instructional planning and design processes. On-going preparation of coherent instruction includes reflection, alignment, high student outcomes, research and resources, and inter-disciplinary pedagogical strategies – all of which are examined and practiced with in this e-course. In addition to knowing when and how to communicate this knowledge to students and stakeholders, participants will gain familiarity with effective and discipline-specific pedagogical approaches that further understanding of and for students.

Course Objectives:

  • Participants will learn how to develop age-appropriate and cultural understanding of their students through research and reflection.
  • Participants will predict and prepare for setting high instructional outcomes for their students by understanding their needs.
  • Participants will become familiar and practice with resources that aid in the planning of coherent instruction.

Aligned to: Danielson Domains 1 and 2, Marzano Domains 2 and 3

Participants will be introduced to sound and scientifically proven research as it promotes literacy strategy across all content areas.They’ll learn the scaffolds behind them that aid students in the important transition process across all content areas.Intentional, consistent and rigorous teaching of reading and writing strategy as it continues to improve student achievement will engage the 90/90/90 principled approach. Participants completing this course will take away implementation tools that include graphic organizers, semantic maps, thinking aids, checklists, rubrics and more.

Course Objectives:

  • Participants will understand how to move scientific theory into classroom literacy strategy across specific content areas.
  • Participants will learn how to scaffold student progress along a rigorous strategy continuum.
  • Participants will know how to import research-based literacy strategy into lessons for rigorous application and implementation.

Research: Enrau, Hyerle, Strickland, Nessel, Rothstein & Lauber, Reeves, Tomlinson among others.