The Next Gen Science Standards and expectations that align with the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts in reading, writing, listening and speaking are the fundamentals of expanded study. Through the development and use of models, investigations, analysis, interpretation of data, and the use of applied thinking strategies to demonstrate understanding of core scientific concepts, participants will develop, practice with, and plan to implement literacy teaching strategy into science curriculum as they align to the expectations of Next Gen Science Standards and the Common Core. Through the citing of evidence, provision of support for ideas and text, gathering of information from multiple sources, transfer of visual information to the written, participants will understand how to help students make the important leaps from curriculum and knowledge, to application through hands-on performance tasks. 

Course Outcomes:

  • Explain the Next Gen Science Standards and their alignment to the Common Core. 
  • Develop, practice with, and implement the teaching of literacy strategy into grade appropriate science curriculum as it supports the Common Core and Next Gen Standards. 
  • Devise the facility to help students make important leaps from curriculum and knowledge to hands-on performance tasks.

This course is 20 hours

The Next Gen Science Standards and expectations that align with the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts in reading, writing, listening and speaking are the fundamentals of expanded study. Through the development and use of models, investigations, analysis, interpretation of data, and the use of applied thinking strategies to demonstrate understanding of core scientific concepts, participants will develop, practice with, and plan to implement literacy teaching strategy into science curriculum as they align to the expectations of Next Gen Science Standards and the Common Core. Through the citing of evidence, provision of support for ideas and text, gathering of information from multiple sources, transfer of visual information to the written, participants will understand how to help students make the important leaps from curriculum and knowledge, to application through hands-on performance tasks. 

Course Outcomes:

  • Explain the Next Gen Science Standards and their alignment to the Common Core. 
  • Develop, practice with, and implement the teaching of literacy strategy into grade appropriate science curriculum as it supports the Common Core and Next Gen Standards. 
  • Devise the facility to help students make important leaps from curriculum and knowledge to hands-on performance tasks.

This course is 20 hours

The Next Gen Science Standards and expectations that align with the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts in reading, writing, listening and speaking are the fundamentals of expanded study. Through the development and use of models, investigations, analysis, interpretation of data, and the use of applied thinking strategies to demonstrate understanding of core scientific concepts, participants will develop, practice with, and plan to implement literacy teaching strategy into science curriculum as they align to the expectations of Next Gen Science Standards and the Common Core. Through the citing of evidence, provision of support for ideas and text, gathering of information from multiple sources, transfer of visual information to the written, participants will understand how to help students make the important leaps from curriculum and knowledge, to application through hands-on performance tasks. 

Course Outcomes:

  • Explain the Next Gen Science Standards and their alignment to the Common Core. 
  • Develop, practice with, and implement the teaching of literacy strategy into grade appropriate science curriculum as it supports the Common Core and Next Gen Standards. 
  • Devise the facility to help students make important leaps from curriculum and knowledge to hands-on performance tasks.

 This course is 20 hours

K through 12 math classrooms that support literacy development are those in which students and teachers demonstrate understanding of the learning and thinking process. Teachers can model metacognition skills and evaluate how students think through think-alouds, problem-solving, role-playing and hands-on exercises that teach students how to articulate their process verbally and in writing. The Common Core process shifts will be examined closely in this e-course to help participants fully understand the new K-12 applications behind them. Participants will finish the course with a repertoire of strategies with which to move forward in teaching students how to articulate the process that brought them to their end product.

Course Objectives:

  • Defend how the new K-12 Common Core shifts in math as they work into new teaching applications.
  • Restate and illustrate through planning and implementation the steps and strategies involved in teaching students how to articulate mathematical processes.
  • Learn and practice with grouping scenarios that lend themselves to real life skills applications and mathematical solutions.
  • Enhance mathematical understanding of process and product in how students think about math through the close examination of the models used to effectively problem solve.

This course is 20 hours

A grade 6-12 math classroom that supports literacy development is one in which students and teachers demonstrate understanding of the language process. Teachers make connections, verbally and in writing, and close reading is an important part of this process. Participants in this e-course will learn the research-based, effective problem-solving models for reading, writing, speaking and listening in order to articulate a process verbally and in writing.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the K-12 Common Core shifts in math as they work into new teaching applications.
  • Learn and practice with the steps and strategies involved in teaching students how to articulate mathematical processes. 
  • Learn and practice with grouping scenarios that lend themselves to real life skills applications and mathematical solutions. 
  • Enhance mathematical understanding of process and product in how students think about math through the close examination of the models used to effectively problem solve.

This course is 20 hours

A grade K-5 math classroom that supports literacy development is one in which students and teachers demonstrate understanding of the language process. Teachers make connections, verbally and in writing, and close reading is an important part of this process. Participants in this e-course will learn the research-based, effective problem-solving models for reading, writing, speaking and listening in early grades in order to acclimate students to articulating their math process both verbally and in writing.

Course Objectives:

  • Analyze effective models for teaching mathematical problem solving in language and in figures. Integrate literacy strategies that enhance the learning process through strategies that include word walls, close reading exercises, repeated reading of text, and supporting ideas with evidence.
  • Evaluate and practice with grouping models that teach listening and speaking in real life applications in order to construct solutions to mathematical problems.

This course is 20 hours

A grade K-12 math classroom that supports literacy development is one in which both students and teachers understand the intersection of mathematics and language arts. Students are taught how to analyze, construct, and articulate relationships among various mathematical concepts to include geography and proportion. Strategies taught work toward deepening conceptual understanding through rigorous application to include drawing inferences, expanding on prior knowledge of operations, process and product. Participants will be taught how to stretch student thinking and deepen mathematical skills through effective K-12 literacy strategy.  

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the K-12 Common Core shifts in math as they work into new teaching applications.
  • Learn and practice with the steps and strategies involved in teaching students how to articulate mathematical processes. 
  • Learn and practice with grouping scenarios that lend themselves to real life skills applications and mathematical solutions. 
  • Enhance mathematical understanding of process and product in how students think about math through the close examination of the models used to effectively problem solve.

This course is 20 hours

A secondary classroom that supports literacy development is one where students and teachers demonstrate understanding of the language process. Teachers make connections, verbally and in writing, and close reading is an integral part of the learning process. The big shifts of the Common Core in 6-12 mathematical literacy will drive this course as participants learn to integrate literacy strategy with mathematical processes through strategies that include questioning, use of supporting evidence, coherence, understanding, and application of process versus product.

Course Objectives:

  • Examine, evaluate and practice with research-based methods of problem solving through questioning.
  • Practice and develop with the tools of math articulation process through Socratic questioning.
  • Organize and facilitate mathematical Socratic seminars.

This course is 20 hours

Tape Diagrams are found in many math modules on the resource web site.  What are they and why should they become an important part of your math teaching strategies in K-8 lessons?  This course explores how tape diagrams can become an effective teaching strategy for teachers, as well as a powerful problem-solving tool for students.  Participants will try several exercises in which they will draw a tape diagram to solve. They will also look at the best ways to implement this great instructional tool into lesson planning. Let’s get this going!

Course Objectives:

  • Develop working understanding of how Tape Diagrams are used to construct visual models for students in problem solving.
  • Model effective ways of using Tape Diagrams as one of their problem solving strategies.
  • Write weekly lesson plans that connect curriculum to lessons and modules, namely A Story of Ratios.
  • Practice creating a complete daily lesson plan that involves Tape Diagrams in instruction.

This course is 20 hours

K through 12th grade math classroom that supports literacy development is one in which students and teachers demonstrate understanding of the learning and thinking process. Teachers can model metacognition skills and evaluate how students think through think-alouds, problem-solving, role-playing and hands-on exercises that teach students how to articulate their process verbally and in writing. The Common Core process shifts will be examined closely in this e-course to help participants fully understand the new K-12 applications behind them. Participants will finish the course with a repertoire of strategies with which to move forward in teaching students how to articulate the process that brought them to their end product.

Course objectives:

  • Understanding of the new K-12 Common Core shifts in math as they work into new teaching applications. 
  • Learn and apply the steps and strategies involved in teaching students how to articulate mathematical processes. 
  • Learn and practice with grouping scenarios that lend themselves to real life skills applications and mathematical solutions. 
  • Enhance mathematical understanding of process and product in how students think about math through the close examination of the models used to effectively problem solve.

This course is 20 hours